Books I Didn’t Finish in 2015

As we near the start of 2016, I decided to pay tribute to the books that I abandoned this year. Depriving them the honor of being read, I can still give a little publicity  (read: peace offering). I know most bookworms consider DNF-ing to be a negative thing, but I do it all the time. Much of this is due to the fact that I get almost all my reading material from the library.

This is a typical library visit for me: Goes into library, renews unfinished books, requests a book that’s unavailable, browses shelves, can’t resist the beauty, checks out 13 books, and takes another 4 from the free table.

By the next time I visit the library, I will have begun 75% of these books, and only finished 75% of the ones I began. This is not always because I didn’t enjoy a book; in fact, most of the time I just don’t have/make enough time to read everything I have. This is a list of (important for one reason or another) books that I did not finish in the year 2015. Continue reading