Six of Crows: Review & Discussion

Listening to the volatile voice of hype, I picked up Six of Crows. No regrets. It was amazing and it shredded my heart and now I’m desperate for Crooked Kingdom. The agony of reading *sadly shakes head*

Since I loved this book so much, I wanted to do less of a review and more of a discussion with you. So I’m going to list all the things I liked or disliked about this book, then elaborate on some of the most interesting elements. I want to know what you thought of this book! Did you like Ketterdam? How do you compare the Grisha Trilogy with Six of Crows? Who was your favorite character(s)? If you haven’t read the book, skip the discussion section, because it’ll probably be quite spoiler-y.

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Thursday Quotables (the sixth)

OOOPH! Hello! The ‘ooph’ is there because I’ve just landed. For several days I was floating in a cloud of blissful ignorance, and dropping back to reality was a bit of a shock. I completely forgot that I had not yet written my introduction post to the Fanboy Book Club-I’ve been a terrible member so far. (Sorry Bianca!) Also, there are 12 books I read from the last couple of months that I’d like to review, but that number alone overwhelms me! I was going to do a bunch of mini reviews…and I obviously haven’t yet. Mini reviews may prove to be a challenge-if you’ve read my reviews, you know I kind of go all in and they can end up quite long. Challenges are good though! (Or so I tell myself, before starting aforementioned task.)

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Can I Call Myself a Writer?

Hello peoples! Today I’m going to talk about my writing. No, I’m not going to share any snippets from my WIP (Work In Progress). In fact, I don’t have a WIP that I am actively working on. And sometimes, when reading author profile pages or someone else’s blog post, I feel guilty. As if “Sure, I’m a reader and a book blogger, but I’ll never be complete because I’m not a fiction writer.”

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Book Review: The Raven Boys & The Dream Thieves

When I visit the library, my one rule for choosing books is be random. Some days I might know beforehand that I want to get a certain book (it’s the next in a series, I’ve been meaning to read it because of recommendations or whatnot). But most days I go in with no plan and my reading choices are spontaneous. I will wander the shelves, picking up any book that stands out to me. This could be because I recognize the title/author or the cover looks cool. (Confession time: I absolutely judge books by their covers.) I think I chose The Raven Boys because it’s on a shelf I hardly ever pick from and the name Stiefvater seemed vaguely familiar. I have now completed The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves. I have mixed feelings about continuing; you’ll see why in the reviews. I get the feeling I will though. ANYWAYS, on with the review!

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Thursday Quotables (the third)

Thursday Quotables is a weekly feature by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. (Rules of participation are located on her blog, if you’d like to do your own Thursday Quotables post.) Basically, this feature is for any line or passage you read during the week that you really liked. It could be thoughtful, or funny, or beautifully written.

Sidenote: I may actually make this a biweekly feature here, as that seems t0 be the pattern I naturally fall into.

The quotes this week come from…


Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

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Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish & Bloggish Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesdays is an original meme created by The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s theme is 2016 resolutions. Well, I was going to do a 2015 recap + my 2016 resolutions, but it’s extremely late. Plus, once I started drafting my 2015 post, I realized that it was going to end up quite lengthy. So I’m just going to finish my resolutions, get a couple hours of sleep, and then complete my (overdue) recap. Without further ado, I present my top 10 bookish & bloggish resolutions for 2016.

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Books I Didn’t Finish in 2015

As we near the start of 2016, I decided to pay tribute to the books that I abandoned this year. Depriving them the honor of being read, I can still give a little publicity  (read: peace offering). I know most bookworms consider DNF-ing to be a negative thing, but I do it all the time. Much of this is due to the fact that I get almost all my reading material from the library.

This is a typical library visit for me: Goes into library, renews unfinished books, requests a book that’s unavailable, browses shelves, can’t resist the beauty, checks out 13 books, and takes another 4 from the free table.

By the next time I visit the library, I will have begun 75% of these books, and only finished 75% of the ones I began. This is not always because I didn’t enjoy a book; in fact, most of the time I just don’t have/make enough time to read everything I have. This is a list of (important for one reason or another) books that I did not finish in the year 2015. Continue reading